Thursday, 22 September 2011

the high level branch

In the year 1851, when all that glittering roof was built, in order to exhibit the petty arts of our fashionable luxury carved bedsteads of Vienna, glued toys of Switzerland and gay jewellery from France - in that very year, I say, the greatest pictures of Venetian masters were rotting at Venice in the rain, for want of a roof to cover them, with holes made by cannon shot through their canvas.

the last night on earth

If its the last night on earth i'm flying away with the flamingos   

Friday, 16 September 2011

Leningrad 1944

We brought out vodka. We sang, cried and laughed. A great work had ended, impossible deeds had been done. But we also felt confusion. How should we live now?

Sunday, 4 September 2011